Физические законы, переменные, принципы

CPT theorem

Curie-Weiss law (P. Curie, P.-E. Weiss)

A more general form of Curie's law, which states that thesusceptibility

of a paramagnetic substance is inverselyproportional to the thermodynamic

temperature of the substanceless the Weiss constant, a characteristic of

that substance.

Curie's law (P. Curie)

The susceptibility of a paramagnetic substance is inverselyproportional

to the thermodynamic temperature of the substance.The constant of

proportionality is called the Curie constant.

Dalton's law of partial pressures (J. Dalton)

The total pressure of a mixture of ideal gases is equal to the sumof

the partial pressures of its components; that is, the sum ofthe pressures

that each component would exert if it were presentalone and occuped the

same volume as the mixture.

Davisson-Germer experiment (C.J. Davisson, L.H. Germer; 1927)

An experiment that conclusively confirmed the wave nature ofelectrons;

diffraction patterns were observed by an electron beampenetrating into a

nickel target.

De Broglie wavelength (L. de Broglie; 1924)

The prediction that particles also have wave characteristics,where the

effective wavelength of a particle would be inverselyproportional to its

momentum, where the constant ofproportionality is the Planck constant.

Doppler effect (C.J. Doppler)

Waves emitted by a moving observer will be blueshifted(compressed) if

approaching, redshifted (elongated) if receding.It occurs both in sound as

well as electromagnetic phenomena,although it takes on different forms in


Dulong-Petit law (P. Dulong, A.T. Petit; 1819)

The molar heat capacity is approximately equal to the three timesthe

gas constant.

Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen effect

Consider the following quantum mechanical thought-experiment:Take a

particle which is at rest and has spin zero. Itspontaneously decays into

two fermions (spin 0.5 particles), whichstream away in opposite directions

at high speed. Due to the lawof conservation of spin, we know that one is

a spin +0.5 and theother is spin -0.5. Which one is which? According to

quantummechanics, neither takes on a definite state until it is

observed(the wavefunction is collapsed).

The EPR effect demonstrates that if one of the particles isdetected,

and its spin is then measured, then the other particle-- no matter where it

is in the Universe -- instantaneously isforced to choose as well and take

on the role of the otherparticle. This illustrates that certain kinds of

quantuminformation travel instantaneously; not everything is limited bythe

speed of light.

However, it can be easily demonstrated that this effect doesnot make

faster-than-light communication possible.

Equivalence principle

The basic postulate of A. Einstein's general theory of relativity,which

posits that an acceleration is fundamentallyindistinguishable from a

gravitational field. In other words, ifyou are in an elevator which is

utterly sealed and protected fromthe outside, so that you cannot "peek

outside," then if you feel aforce (weight), it is fundamentally impossible

for you to saywhether the elevator is present in a gravitational field,

orwhether the elevator has rockets attached to it and isaccelerating


The equivalence principle predicts interesting generalrelativistic

effects because not only are the twoindistinguishable to human observers,

but also to the Universe aswell, in a way -- any effect that takes place

when an observer isaccelerating should also take place in a gravitational

field, andvice versa.


The region around a rotating black hole, between the event horizonand

the static limit, where rotational energy can be extractedfrom the black


Event horizon

The radius of surrounding a black hole at which a particle wouldneed an

escape velocity of lightspeed to escape; that is, thepoint of no return for

a black hole.

Faraday constant; F (M. Faraday)

The electric charge carried by one mole of electrons (or singly-ionized

ions). It is equal to the product of the Avogadroconstant and the

(absolute value of the) charge on an electron; itis

9.648670.104 C/mol.

Faraday's law (M. Faraday)

The line integral of the electric flux around a closed curve

isproportional to the instantaneous time rate of change of themagnetic flux

through a surface bounded by that closed curve.

Faraday's laws of electrolysis (M. Faraday)

1. The amount of chemical change during electrolysis is proportional

to the charge passed.

2. The charge required to deposit or liberate a mass is proportional

to the charge of the ion, the mass, and inversely proprtional to the

relative ionic mass. The constant of proportionality is the Faraday


Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction (M. Faraday)

1. An electromotive force is induced in a conductor when the magnetic

field surrounding it changes.

2. The magnitude of the electromotive force is proportional to the

rate of change of the field.

3. The sense of the induced electromotive force depends on the

direction of the rate of the change of the field.

Fermat's principle; principle of least time (P. de Fermat)

The principle, put forth by P. de Fermat, states that the pathtaken by

a ray of light between any two points in a system isalways the path that

takes the least time.

Fermi paradox

E. Fermi's conjecture, simplified with the phrase, "Where arethey?"

questioning that if the Galaxy is filled with intelligentand technological

civilizations, why haven't they come to us yet?There are several possible

answers to this question, but since weonly have the vaguest idea what the

right conditions for life andintelligence in our Galaxy, it and Fermi's

paradox are no morethan speculation.

Gauss' law (K.F. Gauss)

The electric flux through a closed surface is proportional to

thealgebraic sum of electric charges contained within that closedsurface.

Gauss' law for magnetic fields (K.F. Gauss)

The magnetic flux through a closed surface is zero; no magneticcharges


Grandfather paradox

A paradox proposed to discount time travel and show why itviolates

causality. Say that your grandfather builds a timemachine. In the

present, you use his time machine to go back intime a few decades to a

point before he married his wife (yourgrandmother). You meet him to talk

about things, and an argumentensues (presumably he doesn't believe that

you're hisgrandson/granddaughter), and you accidentally kill him.

If he died before he met your grandmother and never hadchildren, then

your parents could certainly never have met (one ofthem didn't exist!) and

could never have given birth to you. Inaddition, if he didn't live to

build his time machine, what areyou doing here in the past alive and with a

time machine, if youwere never born and it was never built?

Hall effect

When charged particles flow through a tube which has both anelectric

field and a magnetic field (perpendicular to the electricfield) present in

it, only certain velocities of the chargedparticles are preferred, and will

make it undeviated through thetube; the rest will be deflected into the

sides. This effect isexploited in such devices as the mass spectrometer

and in theThompson experiment. This is called the Hall effect.

Hawking radiation (S.W. Hawking; 1973)

The theory that black holes emit radiation like any other hotbody.

Virtual particle-antiparticle pairs are constantly beingcreated in

supposedly empty space. Every once in a while, onewill be created in the

vicinity of a black hole's event horizon.One of these particles might be

catpured by the black hole,forever trapped, while the other might escape

the black hole'sgravity. The trapped particle, which would have negative

energy(by definition), would reduce the mass of the black hole, and

theparticle which escaped would have positive energy. Thus, from adistant,

one would see the black hole's mass decrease and aparticle escape the

vicinity; it would appear as if the black holewere emitting radiation. The

rate of emission has a negativerelationship with the mass of the black

hole; massive black holesemit radiation relatively slowly, while smaller

black holes emitradiation -- and thus decrease their mass -- more rapidly.

Heisenberg uncertainty principle (W. Heisenberg; 1927)

A principle, central to quantum mechanics, which states that

themomentum (mass times velocity) and the position of a particlecannot both

be known to infinite accuracy; the more you know aboutone, the lest you

know about the other.

It can be illustrated in a fairly clear way as follows: Tosee

something (let's say an electron), we have to fire photons atit, so they

bounce off and come back to us, so we can "see" it.If you choose low-

frequency photons, with a low energy, they donot impart much momentum to

the electron, but they give you a veryfuzzy picture, so you have a higher

uncertainty in position sothat you can have a higher certainty in momentum.

On the otherhand, if you were to fire very high-energy photons (x-rays

orgammas) at the electron, they would give you a very clear pictureof where

the electron is (high certainty in position), but wouldimpart a great deal

of momentum to the electron (higheruncertainty in momentum). In a more

generalized sense, the uncertainty principle tellsus that the act of

observing changes the observed in fundamentalway.

Hooke's law (R. Hooke)

The stress applied to any solid is proportional to the strain

itproduces within the elastic limit for that solid. The constant ofthat

proportionality is the Young modulus of elasticity for thatsubstance.

Hubble constant; H0 (E.P. Hubble; 1925)

The constant which determines the relationship between thedistance to a

galaxy and its velocity of recession due to theexpansion of the Universe.

It is not known to great accuracy, butis believed to lie between 49 and 95

Hubble's law (E.P. Hubble; 1925)

A relationship discovered between distance and radial velocity.The

further away a galaxy is away from is, the faster it isreceding away from

us. The constant of proportionality isHubble's constant, H0. The cause is

interpreted as the expansionof space itself.

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